This is email from Santa Clara City staff, answering our question for the source of the 60% figure staff told Council on 6/20/06 for “roadway departure” fatalities. Staff at the time strongly implied to Council that these were pedestrian fatalities.

By reading what staff provided with the below links, the “roadway departure” fatalities are basically motorist fatalities, not pedestrian fatalities as implied at the Council meeting. Most pedestrian fatalities are, by far, for crossing the road. Crossings need to be minimized rather than travel along an arterial road.


August 1, 2006

To: Akos Szoboszlay, President, Modern Transit Society

Dear Mr. Szoboszlay:

I am writing with reference to your correspondence dated: (1) July 6,

2006, (2) July 19, 2006 and (3) July 24, 2006.

You stated that at the City Council meeting of June 20, 2006, Mr.

Yoshino gave a figure of 60% for fatalities that result from roadway

departures, and you requested a copy of the data.  Attached are copies

printed from Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) websites, indicating

that approximately 60% of all fatal crashes in study year 2003 are

roadway departure fatalities.  The websites are as follows:

The information was offered as a general statement to indicate that

roadway departures are common and are a significant safety issue on the

nation's roadways.  

[ Webmaster’s note: The rest of the email is a repeat of the staff report of 6/20/06.]


Jennifer Sparacino

City Manager

cc:    Mayor Mahan

    Director of Public Works

    Traffic Engineer

    M. Murdter, Director of Roads and Airports, County of Santa Clara