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Rebuttal Argument Against Ballot Measure B

Measure B takes away flexible state and federal funds that were spent on both transit and highways and locks them into highways only. THIS WILL HURT TRANSIT AND PUT PROJECTS LIKE BART, LIGHT RAIL AND CALTRAIN ELECTRIFICATION AT RISK. Measure B allocates a mere 2% of these funds toward bicycling improvement projects, 1% toward pedestrian safety projects and 0% for transit. VOTE NO!

Both the BART-to-San Jose extension and the Downtown East Valley light rail line rely on potential federal New Starts funding. This money is uncertain. If New Starts funding does not materialize, Measure B could prevent BART and light rail extensions from being constructed. VOTE NO!

Measure B puts unnecessary restrictions on $2 billion in funds for the next 34 years! Measure B hampers future VTA boards' ability to respond to new conditions over this long period of time. If Measure B had passed two years ago, the Vasona light rail project would be stalled today. VOTE NO!

People are forced to drive to Silicon Valley from as far away as Stockton, Modesto and Salinas. They have no alternative to driving, so they congest our roads and pollute our air! Measure B denies commuters a real choice by blocking state and federal money from new or enhanced regional trains.

Future elected officials need to respond to changing conditions. Don't tie their hands for the next 34 years. VOTE NO!


The undersigned authors of the primary argument against ballot measure __ at the election in the County of Santa Clara to be held on Tuesday, November 5, 2002, hereby state that such argument is true and correct to the best of their knowledge and belief.

Signed __________________________________ Date
Sierra Club, Loma Prieta Chapter

Signed __________________________________ Date
Modern Transit Society

Signed __________________________________ Date
BayRail Alliance

Signed __________________________________ Date
Santa Clara VTA Riders Union

Signed __________________________________ Date
David Simons, Chair, VTA Bicycle-Pedestrian Advisory Committee

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